How To Get Australian Tourist Visa Easily via ImmiAccount (Updated)

How To Get Your Australian Tourist Visa via ImmiAccount


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Visiting Australia is one of the most memorable trips of my life. The Bondi beach, the Opera House, the scenic Harbor bridge area, the 12 Apostles, etc. Without a doubt, Australia is definitely worth visiting! If you’re here looking for a guide on how to apply for your Australian Tourist Visa or what commonly known as the ‘Visitor Visa’ (subclass 600), then you’re in the right place.

Sydney Harbor Australian Tourist Visa
Sydney Harbor Bridge and I |

But before I give you the details, I’d like to start off by saying that no one can give you the guarantee of your Australian visa’s approval – not me, not even a lawyer or a travel agent. If anyone does, is most likely a scammer.

As a travel blogger, what I can offer you here is just a guide with helpful tips to increase your chances of getting that Australian tourist visa. =)


Now, there are two ways to get your Australian tourist visa:

1. via VFS Global
2. via ImmiAccount (Australia’s Department of Home Affairs’s online services).

VFS Global is a third party agency that handles visa application for Australia and other countries. However, I do not find applying to VFS Global convenient as you will be paying their Service Fee on top of the actual visa fee. You also need to submit printed copies of your documents.

In this blog, I will only be particular on applying directly ONLINE via ImmiAccount. If your visa is approved, your visa will be sent to you via email as a letter-sized paper. It can either be 3-month or 1-year valid. I got mine with 1-year validity and with multiple entry as well.

Anyway, enough of that and let’s get started!


I suggest you apply at least 6 weeks before your intended flight. The processing time could be up to 4 weeks after submittal! Some have gotten their results as early as 2 days (wow!). I got mine 16 days after submitting my application.



Go to this link. Click the ‘Create ImmiAccount’ button at the left bottom corner to start creating your account.

Immiaccount Australian Tourist Visa


Once you have created your account and you’re logged in, just simply click NEW APPLICATION, and then look for VISITOR VISA (600).

Immiaccount Australian Tourist Visa

It will direct you to the online form application. You need answer it truthfully. Put N/A if the item is NOT applicable to you. 

Immiaccount Australian Tourist Visa


Next stage of the application is attaching and uploading the documents . There are two sections – REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED. Sometimes, the required and recommended documents can vary from one applicant to another. So you gotta really pay attention to what is required and recommended for you.


1. Photo – A passport size photo, save it as jpg format (I think other photo formats will do as well).

2. Travel Document – This is basically just a scanned page of your passport’s bio page. Save it as pdf format.

3. Evidence of applicant’s previous travels – these are scanned pages of your passport with stamped on it to show your travel history; include also your old passport if you have one. Save it as pdf format.


4. Family register and composition form – We Filipinos do not have this one but it is recommended to attach the NSO birth certificate. The birth certificate is considered the equivalent document for this requirement. Scan it and save it as pdf format.

You can request an original copy of this through online via PSA website. I got my mine which was home-delivered after three (3) working days. Click HERE for the link.

5. Evidence of planned tourism activities in Australia – I included my day-to-day itinerary, my confirmed flight tickets, and my hostel bookings to comply with this requirement. Saved them in pdf formats.

I can also share my day-to-day itinerary template, just leave a comment on the comment section below. I can send it to you via email.

TIP: I usually book my hostel accommodation at Thus, I recommend you guys trying it as well.  Room accommodation ranges from cheap hostels to luxury hotels.

Book hostels through as they have free cancellation or pay-at-the-hotel option. 

Use my link to book your hostel and you’ll get 10% of your booking back after your stay. Click this link to get that discount.

Or try Airbnb in finding comfy and cozy rooms! I have used Airbnb on some of my other trips and I loved it!

Have you tried Airbnb? Sign up with my link and you will get up to 42 USD (2,200 Php) off your first stay. Click this link to get that discount.

NOTE: I also included travel insurance. This is optional for Australian visa but applying for a Turkish visa and Schengen visa, this is required. Just to be sure, I bought one from the World Nomads where most travelers get their travel insurances.

Go to this link to get to your World Nomads travel insurance.

6. Evidence of the financial status and funding for visit – Any document that can prove you can sustain and fund your travel, attach it! I have attached my Bank Certificates, Bank’s passbook, Income Tax Return (ITR), as well as my insurances/investments. Saved as pdf.

7. Evidence of current employment or self employment – You should attach your Certificate of Employment (COE) here. I actually did not attach my COE but instead I added my Employment Contract, Payslips, and Employment ID which I think suffice the requirement. Saved as pdf. (If you’re self-employed, upload your business permit, SEC or DTI registration.)

8. Exceptional reasons for extended stay in Australia – If you see this as part of your recommended documents, you can ignore this if you’re not staying for more than 12 months in Australia.

Below snapshot is how I prepared and grouped the attachments.

Australian Tourist Visa requirements for upload

TIP: I know most of us do not own a scanner, so I recommended you to use a mobile app called “CAMSCANNER”. It is available in both Android and iPhone. Just take a picture of the file and it can be saved as pdf. I use it myself and it appears just like a normal scanned document!


Review your application form and the attached documents thoroughly. Make sure you don’t miss anything out. Then, pay the visa fees of AUD 140 payable via Credit Card or Paypal.


Once you’re done with uploading and payment, it is time for the WAITING GAME. Result of your visa application will be emailed to you.

It is frustrating that you will not be given a specific date to see the results. So you have to wait. From what I read on other blogs, it could take as early as 3 days but up to month also! You’ll be lucky if you receive yours in a week!


Waiting for my visa got me so frustrated. Imagine I have to wait up to a month without certainty to whether it is approved or not. I have my flight tickets confirmed, my hostel bookings ready…just really need the visa email notification I am wanting to receive!

On the 16th day from the day I submitted my application online, I finally received an email visa notification.

My application status is GRANTED! The email has with attached Australian tourist visa (see snapshot below). Woo hoo!


Visa Type: Visitor Visa (600)
Visa Validity: 1 Year
Entry type: Multiple Entry
Visa Fee: 140 AUD


In case you’re also looking for package tours to justify your tourism activity in Russia for either visa purposes or simply jumpstarting your actual itinerary, I highly recommend booking tours through Viator which is perfect for your Russian itinerary. See tours and packages I personally handpicked for you:

(you may choose one or more tours that suit your travel needs)


  • Hotel / Hostel
    • I usually book my hostel accommodation at Thus, I recommend you guys trying it as well.  Room accommodation ranges from cheap hostels to luxury hotels. Book hostels through as they have free cancellation or pay-at-the-hotel option.

Use my link to book your hostel and you’ll get 10% of your booking back after your stay. Click this link to get that discount.

    • Airbnb. Try Airbnb in finding comfy and cozy rooms! I have used Airbnb on some of my other trips and I loved it!

Have you tried Airbnb? Sign up with my link and you will get up to 42 USD (2,200 Php) off your first stay. Click this link to get that discount.

  • Flights
    • KAYAK. All of my flight bookings are all from KAYAK. Kayak is one of the world’s leading travel search engines and searches hundreds of travel sites.

I suggest you check Kayak (click HERE) as they usually offer cheap fare rates compared to other booking sites.

  •  Travel Insurance
    • World Nomads. If you don’t have travel insurance when times get tough, basically you are screwed. Traveling always comes with inherent risks attached. Whether you are trekking in the Nepalese mountains or wandering the streets of Sydney, unforeseen events can suddenly upend your world. Generally speaking, travel insurance covers you for the following: Medical Costs – hospital visits, emergencies, evacuations; Property Loss – luggage and their contents; Travel Issues – accommodation and transportation expenses. Thus, I highly recommend you guys getting a travel insurance. I bought one from the World Nomads (available in 130+ countries) where most travelers get their travel insurances.

Go to this link to get to your World Nomads travel insurance.

This Post Has 75 Comments

  1. Angelou Calma

    Hi good morning, can you send me your day-to-day itinerary template? Big help pls. Thank you so much! ? God bless you.

    1. dantravels

      Hi Angelou,

      I sent it to you via email.

      Good luck on your visa application.


      1. Bianca

        Hi Dan,

        Can you also share to me your planned itinerary for Sydney?
        Thank you!

        1. dantravels

          Hi Bianca, Kindly check your email. =)

  2. Judicel

    Good day po.. thanks for this very informative blog. Sir ask lang po..i was granted to have a cruise sa australia this coming OCT. When po kaya ako pwede kumuha ng on line visa i mean anong month ako pwde kumuha ng Visa thru online sa

    1. dantravels

      Thanks Judicel,

      I suggest you apply at least 6 weeks before your intended flight. The processing time could be up to 4 weeks after submittal! Some have gotten their results as early as 2 days (wow!) I got mine 16 days after submitting my application.

      Let’s say, for example, if your flight is Oct 30, then you can submit your application from June 30 – September 15.

      If you submit it by June 30 and got approved July 16, your visa could be either valid July 16 – November 16 (3 months valid) or July 16 – July 16, 2020 (1 year valid).

      I hope you get yourself a 1-year valid visa! Good luck!

      1. Judicel

        Thank you so much Sir Dan..Godbless

  3. sweeny

    Good noon,Your blog is a big help sir Dan.Ask ko lang po kung saan na category pwede iUpload ang UMID?

    1. dantravels

      Thanks Sweeny,

      I do not think UMID would fall in any category. Uploading your passport’s biopage is sufficient enough as your personal identification.

      So no need to upload your UMID.


      1. sweeny

        wow thanks Dan it’s such a relief.Thank you so much for that quick response. Godbless

  4. Sasi

    Hi Dan… Ur page is much informative, tq. I m struggling with how to upload my photo in online application, pls help me with dat. Should I upload in jpg or PDF format? Also how to include both front and back side side? Pls share me d sample format with photo how u did… Thanks in advance..

    1. dantravels

      Hi Sasi,

      Thank you! Happy to help you.

      Kindly see attachment below: These are the actual documents I uploaded during my online application. Your photo ID should be in jpg format while the rest are in pdf.

      If you have a one-page document with front and back prints, just simply scan that page on both sides so you’ll have a two-page scanned copy (front prints only).

      Hope this helps.


  5. Angelo

    Was that 16 working days or 16 calendar days? Thank you!

    1. dantravels

      16 calendar days.

      1. Angelo

        Thank you’

  6. Benedick

    Hi Sir Dan,
    Can you share your day-to-day itinerary, the one you used during your Australian visa application.
    Thank you po!

    1. dantravels

      Hi Benedict,
      Sent! Check your inbox, please.

  7. Noah Ocampo

    Hello Sir may I see your sample itinerary template too? Thanks 🙂

    1. dantravels

      Hi Noah, sent. Check your inbox.

      1. Thea

        Hi po. Can you send me a sample itinerary too.. thanks a lot and God bless for sharing such information.

        1. dantravels

          Hi Thea,

          Sent. Check your inbox=)


          1. Banks

            Hello Dan ,how can I get the template too

          2. dantravels

            Sure, I just sent it to your email. Check your inbox.

  8. Chris

    Hi Dan, kudos to a very helpful and well-written Au visa guide! Can you please share your day-to-day itinerary template? Thanks very much!

    1. dantravels

      Thank you Chris! Check your inbox.

      1. Chris

        Thanks so much, Dan! I was worried I submitted my application too late (less than 20 days before flight date) but got my visa granted a day after online submission. Cheers!

        1. dantravels

          I’m so happy your visa got approved! Enjoy Australia!

  9. Renz

    Hi Dan, how about if u are applying as a group like family? Is there an option for that or would need to do it separately? Can u send me ur sample itinerary?

    1. dantravels

      Hi Renz,

      Sorry for my late reply as I am traveling in Asia. Do you now have the answer to your question?
      Anyway, I just sent to you my itinerary template.

      Hugs from Georgia,

  10. Jenny Palma

    Hi goodafternoon po! Can you also send me a sample itinerary template please? Thank you!

    1. dantravels

      Hi Jenny,

      Sent! Please check your inbox.

      Sorry if it took me some time to reply as I am currently traveling in Asia.

      Hugs from Georgia,

      1. Jen P

        No worries po. hehe also, my other concern is for the money in my account. Unfortunately, all my savings ay nasa account ng kapatid ko when I was abroad, so now I have to transfer them sa payroll account ko. My question is, ok lang ba if yung amount let’s say more than 100k is a month old pag ngapply ako for a visa? Yung card naman less than a yr old.

        Hehe sana clear yung question ko and I hope you can help sa concern.

        Thanks in advance!

        1. dantravels

          Sending a big chunk of money on your bank account smells fishy. But anyway, there’s still an interview…if they asked for it then you can still explain your side.

  11. amin

    thank you very much for explaining every basic things in details. i would love to see what was your travel itinerary, because Australia is soo big i dont know where to start.

    again thank you

  12. Abigail A. Odchimar

    Hi good afternoon 🙂 , can you send me your day-to-day itinerary and cover letter template ?very Big help pls. Thank you so much! ? God bless you.

    1. dantravels

      Hi Abigail, I just sent to you my itinerary sample. Please check your inbox.
      I did not submit a cover letter.

  13. Marina

    Hi! Thank you for sharing your experiences with the visa application proccess.
    Can you please send me your day-to-day itinerary? Thank you in advance!

    1. dantravels

      Hi Marina,
      I’m currently traveling in Kazakhstan. I’ll send to you when i get to my hostel in Almaty city. I’m using my mobile phone now.

    2. dantravels

      Hi Marina,

      So sorry for my late response as I am currently backpacking in Central Asia.
      I just sent it to you. Check your email inbox.


  14. Ivana

    Hi Dan,

    Thanks for your super helpful article. Are you please able to share your itinerary with me? Thank you so much!


  15. Yusselle

    Hi Dan!
    Just reading your Blog atm!
    Thank you for sharing ..
    May I have a copy of your day to day itinerary please..

    Hoping for a positive feedback!

    Take good care as always in your trip!
    Godbless you Dan ?

    -Z xxx

  16. Jackielou G Cellan

    Can you send me your itinerary please? Thanks

    1. dantravels

      Hi Jackielou,

      I just sent it to your email. Kindly check your inbox.


  17. C

    Hello guys. I applied last nov 9. My visa is not approve yet. I still waiting until now. I am very patient

    1. dantravels

      I know what you’re feeling because I’ve gone through that stage! I wish you good luck on the approval of your visa!

      Hugs from Nepal,

  18. Miguel

    Hey Dan! Thanks for the info, I’m planning on applying for a Visa soon so this has been really helpful! I would just like to ask if I could have a copy of your day-to-day itinerary as this would be very helpful. Thank you! 🙂

    1. dantravels

      Hi Miguel, I just sent it through your email. Check your inbox.

  19. jov

    Hi Dan, Can you also send me a sample itinerary template please? Thank you so so much!

    1. dantravels

      Hi Jov, I just sent it to your email. Check your inbox.

  20. Sherry

    Hi Dan!

    I have a question. Is it okay na unahin ko kumuha ng visa bago ako kumuha ng tickets? Kase baka di naman ako mabigyan ng visa sayang ng tickets. Or is really required na may tickets na talaga? Thanks.

    1. dantravels

      Hi Sherry, confirmed flight tickets are “not required”. It would just boost your chance of getting your visa approved. I agree baka nga sayang lang din. In my case, I was well-traveled na kasi by that time so I was quite confident with the visa approval because of my travel history, stable work, etc. It’s just the “waiting time” that really irks me.

  21. Sherry

    May i have a copy of your itinerary? Thanks Dan

    1. dantravels

      Check out your email inbox, I just sent it there just now!

      Hugs from Thailand,

  22. katherine

    Hi Sir,

    Can I have a copy of your travel itinerary please?
    Thank you.

    1. dantravels

      Hi Katherine, I apologize for the late reply. Anyway, I just sent it now to your email address. Good luck with your application. Happy Holidays!

  23. Ajay

    Hi Sir,

    Can I have a copy of your travel itinerary please?
    Thank you.

    1. dantravels

      Hi Ajay, Done! Please check your inbox. Good luck with your application =)

  24. farah

    hello could you send me the itinerary as well?

    1. dantravels

      Sure, Farah. I sent it just now. Check your inbox, please. =)

  25. Ica

    Hi dan! Can i also have a copy of your itinerary too?

    1. dantravels

      Hi Ica, I just sent it just now. Check your inbox. =)
      Good luck with your application!

  26. Joyce

    Hi good morning, can you send me your day-to-day itinerary template pls? Thank you so much! ? God bless you.

    1. dantravels

      Hi Joyce, I just sent it now. Check your email inbox, please =)

  27. Yasina


    Can I have a copy of your travel itinerary please?
    Thank you so much?

    1. dantravels

      Hi Yasina,
      Check your email inbox. I just sent it just now. Good luck with your application! =)

  28. Dipesh

    Hey If possible Can I get travel itinerary please?

    1. dantravels

      Hi Dipesh, Kindly check your email inbox. I sent it just now! Good luck with your visa application!

  29. Sohail Mohammed

    Hi ..can you please send me your Day-to-Day Itinerary

    1. dantravels

      Hi Sohail, kindly check your email inbox. I sent it there! =)

  30. Dani

    Hi, May I also ask for a copy of your itinerary? I also have a question, if you’re granted a 3months visa and you decided to stay over 1 week more than declared in visa, is that still okay?

    1. dantravels

      Hi Dani, I sent the copy of my itinerary in your email. Regarding your question, as long as your visa is valid, that is fine. =)

  31. Joelar Barcelo

    Hello sir! Ask ko lang po when po ang best time magapply ng australian tourist visa, july 7 po ang flight nmin. Same lang po ba mga requirements for a family tourist visa? Relatives po nmin ang aming titirhan doon.

  32. sheryl

    Hi, May I also ask for a copy of your itinerary?

  33. alwi

    Hi iam alwi ..can you please send me your Day-to-Day Itinerary

  34. Ela Amor P. Angeles

    Hi Dan
    Good Afternoon,. Can you share your sample Itinerary in Australia? Thank You Much!

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